Hi potential article writers!
On this webpage, you are offered of being paid to write articles on pretty much any subject. The only requirement is that it’s somewhat unique and does not contain any copyrighted material. This means you can do as much research and take as much inspiration from other websites as you want, as long as you don’t directly copy anything from it.
How to get started
First you need to come up with an idea. The perfect idea would be something that people could potentially search for, but also not be so mainstream that it’s already been done multiple times before.
An example could be “top 10 travel destinations in (+the country or city that you pick )”. If you’re more interested in writing about fashion, go for it! As long as it fits the style of a top 10 list, it’s totally fine. It doesn’t have to be a list of 10, it can be more or less, but a smaller list would require more text.
After you have gotten your idea, it’s time to do the research. This is where you use multiple sources of information and find potentials to list for your article.
A good idea is to look at other articles of this website and see how it’s done.
What’s in it for you?
- You will be paid 3$ per article + a commisson of 20% from potential ad-revenue. Writing good unique articles gives you a higher chance of getting advantage of the commission.
- You will be credited at the end of each article, which could either be your website, social media or your name.
- Writing articles is a good way to practice the skill of writing, which is important when studying but also for a lot of jobs. You can also refer to articles that you have made on this website when applying for something.
- After writing a few articles, and if i’m satisfied with your work, I will grant you a guest user on this website so you can both write and publish more effectively. This will also give people the chance of clicking on your guest user profile and find more information about you.
How will you be paid?
- You will be paid for the very first article that you have made if I approve it. If i think there’s something missing, i will give you feedback to fix it.
- I will be paying using either Paypal or WU. After you have written your first article, I will then pay after every 3 articles using Paypal, or if you prefer WU – after every 5 articles.
- As you get 20% comission from ad revenue, you want as many people to see your article as possible. In order to increase your chances, the article should be unique and well written.
- Another tip is to do what is called “keyword targeting”. Short version of this is to include the keywords throughout the text. For example: If you make a “top 10 best animal climbers” , you want to use the words “best ” + “animal ” + “climbers” throughout the text so that google can easily detect what your article is about. And when people do search “best animal climbers”, your article is more likely to appear as the first result. But keep in mind to do it in a natural way and not overdo it as that will not be beneficial.
Until you grant guest user, all articles must be sent to : magnus.strangelist@gmail.com . You can also use this mail if you have any questions!